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Watson Well has extensive experience designing and installing water treatment systems for public access facilities and commercial buildings which source their water from municipal systems, well water, or alternative water sources
Watson Well can size and install the equipment needed to completely resolve large-scale water quality issues.
Whether you need assistance with mineral removal, biological contamination, or extreme hard water, we can help. Watson Well has successfully developed and installed treatment systems that mitigated water issues which has previously necessitated many thousands of dollars in repairs to plumbing, kitchens, bathrooms, swimming pools, boilers, and infrastructure.
Bubbles In Liquid

New Commercial Ozone Technology

We recently incorporated our ozone treatment technology into a commercial treatment system treating raw well water at a flow rate of over 60 gallons per minute. The system oxidized and filtered all minerals, while providing superior disinfection protection.
For another commercial project, three water softeners were installed in a multi-floor hotel that had extremely hard water measuring 22 grains per gallon (377 mg/L). The hotel was only four years old, but had already undergone multiple replacements of shower glass and water fixtures, and had suffered numerous issues with its swimming pool due to hard water. The hotel’s restaurant even employed a separate staff to polish hard water spots off of glasses and silver table utensils. There were even more significant concerns regarding damage to the boilers and hotel plumbing. The day we brought the treatment system online, the problem when away.

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