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California Water Board is cracking down on farms discharging large volumes of contaminated water produced from extremely inefficient RO systems.

Cannabis Leaves With Sun In Background

Cannabis growers can improve crop health and yields while eliminating the RO’s wasteful water discharge.

Cultivators are replacing inefficient reverse osmosis systems (RO) with Watson Well’s new dynamic Ozone Water Treatment Systems that can easily scale to meet any farms water demand.
Implementing Watson Well’s Ozonated Water Systems will improve your crops health while providing substantial crop yields, bringing to an end the extremely wasteful RO water discharges – in many instances reducing, or eliminating the expensive mandatory transporting of large volumes of contaminated waste water.
Unlike RO, our Ozonated Systems require very little maintenance to operate, and our clean water backwashing technology extends the life of the filtering media for many years of trouble-free operation.
  • Oxidizes & Filters Minerals, Heavy Metals and Boron
  • Destroys Pathogens & Other Contaminates
  • Increases Dissolved Oxygen by Over 300%
  • Excellent for Biofilm Control

Watson Well: Innovators In Water Treatment Systems

Usually, poor water quality is at the core of many crop issues. Contact us today to discuss your specific problems and our solutions for those problems. Contact us for a consultation today.

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